For my ‘college years’ I was part of a most excellent community, nocents. As a group of friends, we created and ran, a now defunct website. For a long time, it told the story of our lives, especially our development into the adults we now are. While I’m somewhat reticent to transfer the posts and features from there to here (since they were written in a specific context), I find this preferable to losing them altogether.
So enjoy, and please don’t hold them against me.
New Zealand � From 2002 On – 8th August 2002
World War Within Twenty Years (2003-2023) – 23rd April 2003
Flybuys Point Spending Analysis – 26th October 2004
Will Online Gaming Addiction lead to Artificial Homeostasis? – 27th September 2005
Artikel ini menunjukkan dedikasi dan keahlian yang sangat tinggi dalam penulisan. Penjelasan yang Anda berikan sangat bermanfaat dan mudah dipahami. Bacaan ini sangat membuka wawasan baru bagi saya. Terima kasih banyak atas karya yang sangat berharga ini. Salam sukses, Pasang Iklan Properti Gratis
Your articles are consistently enlightening and enjoyable Thank you from IDProperticom!
Bacaan ini sangat mengesankan dengan gaya penulisan yang jelas dan penjelasan yang mendalam. Anda telah membuat topik yang kompleks menjadi lebih mudah dipahami dan menarik. Terima kasih atas kontribusi yang sangat informatif ini. Salam hangat, Pasang Iklan Properti Gratis
What a fantastic article! Your ability to articulate complex ideas in such a clear and compelling way is truly impressive. The depth of your knowledge and the quality of your writing make this a standout piece. I’m grateful for the insights you’ve shared. Thank you for this excellent contribution. Cheers, Pasang Iklan Properti Gratis