In the world of sites I run, there has been a revolution over the last couple of years.
For a long time, was king of the hill. I spent most of my time on it, and would be quick to drop it’s name into conversations wherever possible.
When the defectors pulled their allegiance from the site, it began a slow decay and eventually the decision was made to stop flogging the dead horse.
With this, stopped being a pointless placeholder and became not just my blog, but in fact, my cyberhome.
Through most of this time, kept plodding along, earning the highest percentage of adsense revenue, but never offering the same excitement or visitors that other sites have.
In mid-2005 I hit on a good idea. “I have a tonne of SAP stuff on my laptop, I need to back it up. I’d also like to share it with others. I’d also like to have it always available to me at client site.”
Can anyone guess the obvious tri-bird killing stone?
That’s right, I started a site. However, it was a conventional html site with no backend content management system, so it didn’t get updated much. Since it hardly had anything on it, I never promoted it.
Until now.
I’ve switched SAPdup over to wordpress and in my opinion this is a beginning of a wonderful life for the site. It has grown to sit on the same branch as it’s brethren, all who are backed by wordpress.
So the last question you’re asking is why SAPdup?
Well in the great tradition of crazy names like nocents and 3pennywhore (what nocents almost was) I couldn’t call it SAPtips or something like that.
SAP is obviously the topic of the site, and it’s a play on words with the phrase ‘souped up’ when referring to a car that has been ‘enhanced or increased in appeal, power, performance, or intensity.’ Hence SAPdup.
So, next time you have a question about SAP, after you hit, and a thousand other better websites, you could give us a visit.
You’ve presented a hard to understand topic on the state of the country in a clear and engaging way. Bravo!
The piece was both informative and thought-provoking on the state of the country. Thanks for the great work!
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